MusicBee Wiki

Up-to-date with version 3.3.7491

This page describes the different ways that playback of tracks can be initiated

When choosing track(s) to play they can be played immediately, thereby replacing what is currently loaded in the player, or they can be placed in the queue.

When tracks load this is reflected by updating the content of the Playing Tracks and Player Controls panels

There are also preferences that modiy the behaviour when loading tracks. For example, you can choose to play a track immediately when double clicking it, rather than adding it to the queue. See the Now Playing Preferences.

Load tracks and play immediately[]

  • Double-click on any track or playlist.
  • Select any number of tracks and use the hotkey Alt+Enter
  • Right click and choose the Play Now context menu entry.
  • Right click and choose any menu item beginning with "Play...". e.g. right click on the Music Library node and choose "Play Library Shuffled" You can also do this from the Taskbar icon.
  • Double click a file in Windows Explorer (if MusicBee is the default Windows program for audio files).
  • Right click on files in Windows Explorer and choose "Play with MusicBee" (If MusicBee is integrated with Windows context menus).
  • Right click on the MusicBee Notification Tray icon and use Quick Tracks
  • Use the "Play Now" button in the Now Playing Assistant

Load tracks and queue[]

  • Right clicking on tracks in the main panel offers both "Queue Next" and "Queue Last/Random" as options
    • The "Play More" submenu offers "Queue Album Next" and "Queue Album Last/Random"
  • Windows Explorer context menus include "Queue Next in MusicBee" and "Queue Last in MusicBee"
  • In the Now Playing Assistant use the "Queue Next" button

Player Controls[]

See the specific page for this information.

Auto DJ[]

You can turn your library into a personal radio using Auto DJ. To use the Auto DJ feature, click on the playlist called 'Auto DJ' in the left sidebar of MusicBee. Choose the settings that you want and click either on 'Preview' to preview the selected songs or click on 'Start DJ' to start the playback of the songs.

There's another way to start the Auto DJ. You can right click on any song and click on 'Send To' and then on 'Auto-DJ'.

Once enabled, you can disable Auto DJ by right clicking on a song, clicking on 'Play More...' and then on 'Stop Auto-DJ'. Alternatively, you can use the icon in the lower right corner of the MusicBee window to turn off Auto-DJ. Clicking on this icon once will enable normal playback, clicking on the icon twice will enable shuffle play.

You can turn your existing Playing Tracks list into an Auto DJ Playing Tracks list by right clicking on a song, clicking on 'Play More...' and then on 'Turn on Auto-DJ'. Then double click on the last song in the Playing Tracks list and you will see that 5 songs from your library have been automatically added to the Playing Tracks list.

An alternative way to turn your existing Playing Tracks list into an Auto DJ Playing Tracks list is by clicking on the shuffle icon in the player panel until the Auto-DJ icon appears.

Auto DJ Filtering[]

You can use rules to fine-tune your Auto-DJ selections, for instance to restrict how often tracks are played.

Defining Criteria

Defining Rules

Each rule consists of a specific field (or "any field"), some criteria that need to be met for that field, and possibly some sub-rules. When you put more than one rule together, you can tell MusicBee that it needs to match ANY or ALL of them in order for your conditions to be satisfied.

The first drop-down box contains all available fields, including custom tags and virtual tags.

The second drop-down box contains operators such as "is not" or "contains", as appropriate for each tag. What operators are available for each field are determined by the field type. For custom and virtual tags, you can change the field in Configure Fields. If you're not happy with the automatically generated options, you can make these rules as complex as you need using "match RegEx" and "match RegEx/i" (the latter is case-insensitive) operators.

The third drop-down box contains a value that you define (either free text or from a list, depending on the tag), [playing track], or a regular expression. (If you need help with regular expressions, aka regex, try this page.) Items in lists (such as for matching the "is any of" or "is not any of" rules) should be separated with a semicolon, or you can click [...] and make a list in the box that pops up).

Sub-rules can be added for each rule via the [.] button. They operate exactly like other rules, except that they are applied as AND rules only for the main rule they are attached to.

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